Definition of Can opener

1. Noun. A device for cutting cans open.

Exact synonyms: Tin Opener
Specialized synonyms: Church Key
Generic synonyms: Opener

Definition of Can opener

1. Noun. A device used to open tin cans, usually by slicing the lid off. ¹

2. Noun. (roller derby) A shoulder hit to the chest, usually accomplished while moving from a crouched to a standing position. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Can Opener

can I buy you a drink
can I come in
can I use your phone
can buoy
can buoys
can do with
can do without
can haz
can hook
can hooks
can it
can man
can of corn
can of worms
can opener
can openers
can we say
can you help me
can you tell us

Literary usage of Can opener

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Sunset by Southern Pacific Company, Southern Pacific Company. Passenger Dept (1912)
"Captain Scraggs had his head inside the box a fifth of a second later. "Sealed zinc box inside" he announced. "Get a can opener, Gib, my boy. ..."

2. Am I Crazy, Or Is It My Shrink: How to Get the Help You Need by Larry E. Ph.D Beutler, Joel N. Shurkin (1998)
"... than to use a can opener A cat might conceivably be trained to use a can opener. But after it did this trick a couple of times, and reaped the rewards, ..."

3. Building Spelling Skills: Grade 5 by Jo Ellen Moore (2002)
"Just as he entered the kitchen, the electric can opener buzzed into action. A huge can of tomato juice that had been left on the can opener became the ..."

4. Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology by Dept. of Bacteriology and Public Health, Michigan, Michigan Agricultural College, Michigan State University, East Lansing Agricultural College, Dept. of Bacteriology and Hygiene (1916)
"With the sterile can-opener make an opening in the can only large enough to admit the introduction of a 5 cc pipette. Note. Only one can is to be opened at ..."

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